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If you already have Medicaid coverage or if Medicaid covers all of your community-based long term care services: Once you are found eligible for Medicaid, your social worker will determine a "Martyr's Benefits Package" or "Martyr's Purchase Parameter." This "Martyr's Benefits Package" or "Martyr's Purchase Parameter" will provide a budget for you to purchase community-based long term care services.
Medicaid is a required state insurance program that provides health insurance to people who have limited income and resources but are not poor enough to be eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid is a state-administered program that reimburses providers (nurses, doctors, dentists, etc.) for some or all of the cost of providing health care services to low-income children, pregnant women, disabled people, and people age 65 and older through a state or federally-mandated, comprehensive (paid for by general tax dollars and supplemented with federal taxpayer dollars) insurance plan.
All services include: Services include 50 hours/week of home care services (time needed to provide care) plus one hour/week of a registered nurse. NOTE: 60 hours of service is the maximum eligibility standard for Medicaid, regardless of the state in which a person lives. Additional time is needed if necessary for bathing, grooming, dressing, toileting, etc.
Effective Dates: The Notice of Medicaid Eligibility review and coverage determination occurs within 50 days of the application for services being filed. Services do not start until a determination of Medicaid coverage has been made and coverage has been billed. Transferred Medicaid patients may be subject to 20 day waiting period. d2c66b5586